White Crow

Five oval-shaped white opals on a dark surface.


Strengthens the will to live. Purifies the blood and kidneys. Induces psychic and mystical visions.
Black and brown chipped rocks.


Promotes strength, stamina, & vigor. Banishes grief. Encourages wise decision making, happiness, and good fortune.
Green moss agate tumbled stones pile.

Moss Agate

Soul refresher!! Cleanses circulatory and boosts immune & lymph systems.
Heart-shaped moonstone crystal with black inclusions.


Helps the digestive and reproductive systems. Stabilizes emotions. Promotes intuition and empathy. Calms emotional triggers.
Green malachite beaded bracelet with black veins.


Transformation and prosperity. Guards against radiation of all kinds. Clears and activates all chakras. Protects...
Purple heart shaped gemstone beads.


Relieves allergies. Stimulates the intellect. Halts obsessive thoughts. Brings cosmic awareness. Calms the mind. Contains...
Gray and black speckled stone sphere.

Leopard Skin Jasper

Protection from negative energies. Promotes energetic healing. Encourages a sense of peace and well-being.
Tumbled blue lapis lazuli stones.

Lapis Lazuli

Stimulates enlightenment and enhances dream work. Relieves stress, brings a deep sense of peace. Protective,...
Smooth, iridescent labradorite tumbled stones.


Treats disorders of the eye and brain. Calms an overactive mind and energizes the imagination....
Close-up of dark gray mineral shards.


Kyanite opens the throat, helping you uncover and speak your truth. Supports the cerebellum and...