White Crow

Red and black gemstone chips.

Red Obsidian

Raises the kundalini energy. Promotes vitality, virility, and brotherhood. Treats fevers and chills. Root chakra...
Blue and green gemstone chips.

Blue Apetite

Aids in calcium absorption, heals bones. Facilitates connection in prayers and meditation.
Assortment of blue, brown, and white gemstones.

Blue Agate

Grounding. Relaxing. Soothes the throat and helps put your thoughts into words.
Collection of black, green, and pink stones.

Watermelon Tourmaline

Calms the mind and soothes the heart. Helps relieve anxiety and depression.
A pile of smooth, tan pebbles.

Yellow Jasper

Emotional healing. Minimizes stress and anxiety. Promotes relaxation and a sense of well-being.
Yellow, white, and brown agate stones.

Yellow Agate

Increases willpower, concentration, memory, and logic. Improves self-confidence. Solar chakra stone.
White agate tumbled stones, close-up.

White Agate

Harmonizes an individual's feminine and masculine sides. Helps the body release toxins and build immunity....
A collection of turquoise gemstone pebbles.


Strengthens immune system, helps heal the eyes. Mood stabilizer. Enhances communication between physical and spiritual...
Green and white ceramic skull figurine.

Tree Agate

Brings a sense of peace and tranquility. Boosts immune system and balances the waters of...
Black hematite tumbled stones.


Builds strong relationships. Helps organize thoughts. Calms anxiety and fear. Brings strength to persevere.