Learn More About Crystals &
Their Powerful Healing Properties
African Turquoise
Invites positive changes, transformation. Eases the fear of change. Brings physical, emotional, and spiritual healing.
Agate Crazy Lace
Excellent for ADHD. Improves focus, composure, and stability. Promotes feelings of security and self-confidence.
Calms the brain and nervous system. Soothes emotional trauma. Beneficial with osteoporosis, tooth decay.
Calms the mind, improves focus. Excellent for meditation. Boosts metabolism. Aids in healing lungs and respiratory tract. Crown chakra stone.
Aphrodite Stone
Love talisman, helps one to discover their true and deeply buried feelings. Helps release uncomfortable and traumatic memories. Soul cleansing.
Provides support to the overwhelmed and helps break self-defeating behaviors. Provides clarity; opens clairvoyance. Useful for sore throats, thyroid issues, and swollen glands.
Black Obsidian
Powerful, protective, and creative stone. Repels negativity. Provides clarity. Promotes emotional release.
Black Tourmaline
Protection Stone. Disperses tension and stress. Promotes rational thought and creativity. Treats edema and arthritis.
Blue Agate
Grounding. Relaxing. Soothes the throat and helps put your thoughts into words.
Blue Apetite
Aids in calcium absorption, heals bones. Facilitates connection in prayers and meditation.
Blue Argonite
Healing crystal that has many benefits for the body, mind, and spirit. It can help to relieve stress and anxiety, promote feelings of peace and calm, and encourage positive thinking. Blue Aragonite can also help to improve communication skills and boost self-confidence.
Blue Chalcedony
Creativity stone, opens the mind to new ideas. Improves communication skills, improves memory. Enhances the immune system.
Blue Quartz
Gentle, calming energy inspires personal growth. Alleviates fear and enhances creativity and expression.
Accelerates spiritual development. Connects emotions with the intellect. Strengthens the skeleton and joints.
Grounds, anchors, and stabilizes. Restores vitality, motivation, and creativity. Removes the fear of death Helps overcome all types of abuse. Heals low back pain.
Cherry Blossom Agate
Encourages growth and fulfillment. Soothes the mind. Brings serenity and peace. Increases collagen formation.
Chevron Amethyst
Enhances inner, intuitive vision and outer physical vision, and out of body experiences. Brings harmony to the organs of the body and stimulates the immune system. Crown chakra stone.
Crystal of gentle energy. Soothes, calms, reassures, and inspires. Encourages self- expression and creativity.
Powerful cleanser and revitalizer. Warms, energizes, and boosts creativity. Stimulates digestion. Enhances concentration. Sacral chakra stone.
Clear Quartz
The most powerful healing and energy amplifying crystal on the planet. Aids concentration, stimulates immune system. Excellent for soothing burns – physical, emotional and mental.
Crazy Agate
Balances and protects. Brings joy. Absorbs emotional pain.
​Dendretic Agate
Brings abundance to all areas of life. Deepens connection to the Earth. Heals the nervous system.
Desert Jasper
Ancient earth energy. Promotes discovery of true self. Facilitates inner balance. Reduces stress.
Dragon's Blood Stone
Heart healer. Comforting in times of grief and mourning. Calms the mind, grounds the heart. Imparts patience and strength. Cleans the blood, stimulates lymph system. Great connector for mediation.
Very high vibration. Increases intuition, activates unique psychic abilities. Enhances mental capabilities, expands enlightenment.
Counteracts mental disorders. Stabilizes emotions. Improves physical balance and coordination. Relieves pain and repairs DNA. Good source of naturally occurring lithium – a mood stabilizer.
Grounds and instills courage. Increases metabolism, balances sexual libido, and refreshes the heart. Sharpens perception.
Promotes joy and courage Improves risk evaluation. Encourages ambition, drive, and creativity. Reduces stress.
Green Agate
Enhances mental and emotional flexibility. Improves decision making. Useful in resolving disputes.
Green Aventurine
Comforts, heals, and protects all levels of the heart. Brings well-being and emotional calm. Heart chakra stone.
Calms the storms in heart and head, soothes the soul Helps balance calcium levels. Removes negative energy.
Indian Agate
Stone of Eternity. Helps to release old emotions and brings a positive outlook to life. Heart healing.
Indigo Gabbro​
High Vibration. Inspires self-discovery, fearlessness, insight, creativity, and compassion. Heals depression, headaches, and insomnia.
Strengthens heart muscle and circulatory system. Heals the inner child. Treats psychiatric disorders. Contains naturally occurring lithium.
Kyanite opens the throat, helping you uncover and speak your truth. Supports the cerebellum and motor responses of the body. Throat chakra stone.
Treats disorders of the eye and brain. Calms an overactive mind and energizes the imagination. Accesses spiritual purpose.
Lapis Lazuli
Stimulates enlightenment and enhances dream work. Relieves stress, brings a deep sense of peace. Protective, aids in contacting spirit guardians. Stimulates the higher faculties of the mind. Third Eye chakra stone.
Leopard Skin Jasper
Protection from negative energies. Promotes energetic healing. Encourages a sense of peace and well-being.
Relieves allergies. Stimulates the intellect. Halts obsessive thoughts. Brings cosmic awareness. Calms the mind. Contains the highest level of naturally occurring lithium. Crown chakra stone.
Transformation and prosperity. Guards against radiation of all kinds. Clears and activates all chakras. Protects travelers.
Helps the digestive and reproductive systems. Stabilizes emotions. Promotes intuition and empathy. Calms emotional triggers.
Moss Agate
Soul refresher!! Cleanses circulatory and boosts immune & lymph systems.
Promotes strength, stamina, & vigor. Banishes grief. Encourages wise decision making, happiness, and good fortune.
Strengthens the will to live. Purifies the blood and kidneys. Induces psychic and mystical visions.
Promotes inner strength and calm. Alleviates insomnia and nightmares. Cleanses the blood and can help reduce fever.
Organite Lotus Flower
Universal energy generator and storehouse. Balances chakras. Brings focus to the heart center.
Petrified Wood
Sacred heirloom. Helps the body to relax and heal. Assists atrophied muscles and skeletal structure issues.
Picasso Jasper
Excellent for meditation. Promotes inner clarity. Gentle energy. The supreme nurturer.
Plum Blossom Tourmaline
Balances dysfunctional endocrine system. Attracts love in physical and spiritual worlds. Disperses emotional pain and old destructive feelings.
Heals the healer, induces deep meditation. Helpful in letting go of possessions/hoarding. Relieves nightmares, deep fears. Healing for kidneys, bladder, and gout.
Red Agate
Grounding. Balances body, mind, and emotions. Opens the heart to accept love. Cleanses lymphatic system and pancreas. Root chakra stone.
Red Aventurine
Helps block EMF. Encourages perseverance. Benefits nervous system. Root chakra.
Red Jasper
Cleanses the blood. Unites courage & strength with love and gentleness. Fiercely protective. Grounding. Root chakra.
Red Obsidian
Raises the kundalini energy. Promotes vitality, virility, and brotherhood. Treats fevers and chills. Root chakra connector.
Powerful heart stone. Helps with emotional healing, releasing self-destructive habits, and restoring physical energy. Contains manganese – great for healing injuries and cuts; calms stomach ulcers and soothes inflammation. Powerful heart chakra cleanser and activator.
Balancing. Promotes self-esteem and self-worth. Facilitates change. Strengthens the body, mind, and soul.
Rose Quartz
Heals the heart at all levels – physical, mental, emotional, chakra, etc. Invokes self-worth. Attracts healthy relationships. Helps calm midlife crisis. Heart chakra connector.
Sacred Seven
Helps with treatment of addictions, depression, anxiety, stress. Boosts immune system and helps detox the body.
Stabilizes emotions, clears confusion. Helps align the spinal column and promotes flexibility. Clears negative energy. Very high vibration, elevates the spirit.
Shiva Lingam Stone
Aligns all chakras and activates the sacral chakra. Helps you see and embrace your true self. Improves self-confidence.
Shields against EMF, strengthens immune system. Aids in healing kidney and liver disorders.
​Smoky Quartz
Excellent for grounding/anchoring yet raises vibrations for mediation. Relieves fears and depression. Aids acceptance of the physical body.
Snowflake Obsidian
Balances body, mind, and spirit. Improves vascular and skeletal health. Promotes centering.
Brings order and calm to the mind. Encourages rational thought and verbalization of feelings. Balances metabolism and overcomes calcium deficiencies.
Brings joy, enhances vitality. Clears and energizes all chakras. Balances hormones, relieves arthritis. Solar and sacral chakra stone.
Tiger's Eye
Grounding, promotes clarity. Aids in healing personality disorders. Balances Yin and Yang. Heals the eyes, throat, and reproductive organs. Heals issues of self-worth. Great solar chakra stone.
Builds strong relationships. Helps organize thoughts. Calms anxiety and fear. Brings strength to persevere.
Tree Agate
Brings a sense of peace and tranquility. Boosts immune system and balances the waters of the body.
Strengthens immune system, helps heal the eyes. Mood stabilizer. Enhances communication between physical and spiritual worlds. Throat chakra stone.
Watermelon Tourmaline
Calms the mind and soothes the heart. Helps relieve anxiety and depression.
White Agate
Harmonizes an individual’s feminine and masculine sides. Helps the body release toxins and build immunity. Improves concentration and releases traumas.
Yellow Agate
Increases willpower, concentration, memory, and logic. Improves self-confidence. Solar chakra stone.
Yellow Jasper
Emotional healing. Minimizes stress and anxiety. Promotes relaxation and a sense of well-being.